
Get to know more about us and the ministries within the church!

  • KidsLife

    Here at New Life, we value your children and we want to show just how much God loves them!

    To learn more about KidsLife, Click Here

  • Praise Team

    The purpose of music ministry is to lead the congregation into worship and when we begin to worship God as a community, God meets us there (Matthew 18:20).


    Our worship team is comprised of dedicated singers and musicians whose main focus is to give honor to God through their gifts and talents, and through excellence. We offer a contemporary worship service and we encourage everyone to join us as we worship God together!

  • Usher Ministry

    Ushers aren't just door holders and plate-passers, they are an important part in ensuring that every service runs smoothly and to create an safe atmosphere for the power of God to move. This group of dedicated men and women serve during all worship services, special ministry programs and events with pride and excellence. 

  • Hospitality Ministry

    The hospitality ministry is a team of dedicated individuals whose goal is to take care of visiting ministers, parents of newborns and those who are ill by providing meals and support. The hospitality team also provides meals for special events, cleaning services after the events, and visiting members in the hospital.

  • Intercessory Prayer Team

    Intercession is prayer that pleads with God for your needs and the needs of other, but it is also much more than that. Intercession involves taking hold of God's will and refusing to let go until His will comes to pass. Intercessory prayer takes place in this spiritual world where the battles for our own lives, our families, our friends and our nation are won. 


    Our prayer partners are faithful members of New Life who are dedicated in prayer for the needs of the church, the needs of the congregation, and the needs of those seeking prayer. 


    If you have a prayer request, Click Here and our prayer partners will stand in agreement with you!

  • Prayer Team

    We believe in the power of prayer, and our prayer counselors are faithful members of New Life Church who meet one-on-one with new believers, returning Christians, and those desiring to make a deeper commitment to live for God during alter calls and other times they are called upon.